CS5262 Multimedia Networking and Systems, Fall 2011
- Instructor: Cheng-Hsin Hsu (chsu AT cs.nthu.edu.tw)
- Time: Wednesday 10:10 a.m. – 12:00 p.m., Friday 10:10 – 11:00 a.m.
- Location: EECS 224
- Office Hour: Mondays at Delta (台達館) 641.
This course covers the latest research in the areas of networking and multimedia systems. We will discuss how to efficiently stream multimedia content over the dynamic Internet to heterogeneous fixed and mobile receivers, along with other multimedia applications. Despite the basic concepts of multimedia networking will be reviewed, the course is a graduate-level course and requires each student to work on a fairly intensive term project. Students are expected to present their project progresses and turn in rigorously-written technical reports.
The lectures will be given in English. All the assignments and technical reports must be in English.
Tentative Topics:
- Internet Architecture and Services
- Audio/Video Coding Overview
- Scalable Video Coding
- Adaptive Multimedia Streaming
- Stream Synchronization
- Streaming to Wireless and Mobile Devices
- Content-aware Multimedia Streaming and Storage
- 3D Mobile Video
- [KR08] Kurose and Rose, Computer Networking: A top-down Approach Featuring the Internet, Addison Wesley, 2008.
- [Burg10] Burg, The Science of Digital Media, Pearson Prentice Hall, Inc., 2010.
- [SC07] Schaar and Chou, Multimedia over IP and Wireless Networks: Compression, Networking, and Systems, Elsevier, 2007. E-copy available online at NTHU library.
- [WOZ02] Wang, Ostermann, Zhang, Video Processing and Communications, Prentice Hall, 2002.
- [LD04] Li and Drew, Fundamentals of Multimedia, Pearson Education, 2004.
- [SN04] Steinmetz and Nahrstedt, Multimedia Systems, Springer, 2004.
We plan to have two paper-based assignments. Two small programming projects. Term project is an important part of this course, which consists of three reports and presentations. The grading scheme is given below.
- Assignments: 10%
- Programming projects: 30%
- Term project (Report): 60% This includes presentations (10%), technical reports (20% mid-term, 30% final), and project demonstration (5% bonus).
The instructor thanks Prof. Mohamed Hefeeda for sharing his course materials. Prof. Hefeeda is an associate professor at Simon Fraser University, Surrey, BC Canada.