CS5263 Wireless Multimedia Networking Technologies and Applications, Spring 2025
- Instructor: Cheng-Hsin Hsu (chsu@cs.nthu.edu.tw)
- Time: Tuesday 1:20~2:10 p.m., Friday 1:20~3:00 p.m.
- Location: Delta 102
- Office Hours: Wednesday 10:00 a.m.~12:00 p.m.
This course is divided into two parts. The first half reviews key concepts in networking and multimedia systems, ensuring students are well-prepared for the second half. We will also cover the basics of wireless networks. In the latter part, students will work with a real multimodal dataset to tackle advanced multimedia challenges, such as novel view synthesis, egocentric activity recognition, simultaneous localization and mapping, 3D scene reconstruction, object detection and tracking, audio-visual scene understanding, human-object interaction analysis, gaze estimation, social interaction analysis, and privacy-preserving machine learning in augmented reality. For their term projects, students will apply cutting-edge artificial intelligence techniques to address one of these problems, gaining hands-on experience in solving real-world challenges.
The lectures will be given in English. All the exams and reports must be done in English.
Tentative Topics
- PART I: Computer Networks
- Computer Networks and the Internet
- Application Layer
- Transport Layer
- The Network Layer: Data Plane
- The Network Layer: Control Plane
- The Link Layer and LANs
- PART II: Multimedia
- Digital Media
- Digital Audio
- Digital Image
- Digital Video
- Multimedia Networking
- PART III: Immersive Video Technology
- Omnidirectional Video
- Light Fields
- Volumetric Video
- Applications
- [KR22] Kurose and Rose, Computer Networking: A Top-down Approach, 8th Edition, Person, 2022.
- [LDL21] Li, Drew, and Liu, Fundamentals of Multimedia, 3rd Ed., Springer, 2021
- [VAZO22] Giuseppe Valenzise, Martin Alain, Emin Zerman, and Cagri Ozcinar, Immersive Video Technologies, 1st Ed., Academic Press, 2022 (available online on campus).
Students will search for, print, read, and present the latest research papers under the instructor’s guidance.
- Exams: 30%, divided into Exams 1 and 2, each representing 15%.
- Quizzes: 25%. We will have 10 times of pop-up paper tests, each worth 2.5%.
- Grand Challenges: 15%. Students will form groups with up to three members and work on one of the ACM Multimedia Grand Challenges. A submission to the ACM Multimedia Conference is needed to get the credits.
- Term projects: 30%, done by individual students, composed of proposal writing, final report, presentation, and demos.